The Definitive 2023 JavaScript Developer Salary Guide

She spent over a decade in tech startups, immersed in the world of UX and design thinking. In addition to writing for The CareerFoundry Blog, Emily has been a regular contributor to several industry-leading design publications and wrote a chapter for The UX Careers Handbook. She also has an MSc in Psychology from the University of Westminster. To give you an idea of what someone in this role actually does, we’ve taken a few snippets from some live job ads. Under key qualifications, they ask for a deep understanding of frontend JavaScript development together with expertise in JavaScript libraries such as React.js and Redux. Desirable skills include javascript developer salaries experience with MySQL and scripting in Python and Perl. Essentially, they are responsible for implementing the frontend logic that defines how the visual elements of a web app behave. Average JavaScript developer salary range in Eastern Europe – Poland and Ukraine According to Payscale, the average annual JavaScript developer salary […]

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